Village Networks new generation website

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The wonder of wireless ...

Village Networks is connected to the UK’s high-speed high capacity internet backbone. From those connections, it has a network of wireless links from point to point across large areas of Buckinghamshire.

The wireless signal used is very low strength, but can cover many kilometers between aerials. All that is required is a clear line of sight between the aerials.

The network has a highly sophisticated management system which ensures optimum performance for each subscriber. The system can identify and rectify problems before they happen. Not only does the system provide 24/7 network monitoring and management, but Village Networks has a team of locally-based engineers and technicians, who are on hand to provide support over the telephone, or on-the-spot, in the rare cases where remote problem-solving isn’t possible.

What equipment is required?

Village Networks provide everything required to connect you. On the outside of your premises, a small aerial receives and transmits your broadband signal. The aerial has a cable to the inside of your property, where it’s connected direct to a router, and then to your network. Power to the aerial is provided from a small power supply connected to a wall socket, then through the same cable that carries the data.

The kind of aerial
installed on your
home or office.

A typical node aerial,
which distributes the
broadband connection
to several locations.

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